Briefing Note COVID 19 : McKinsey & Company

Briefing note McKinsey & Company

Un documento que es verdaderamente un referente para los líderes que tienen las grandes responsabilidades y decisiones sobre el COVID 19, los países y los segmentos sociales y de la economía.

Gracias a McKinsey por compartir.

Covid 19 is, first and foremost, a global humanitarian challenge.

situacion mundial covid 19 25 marzo

Thousands of health professionals are heroically batting the virus, putting their own lives at risk.

Governments and industry are working together to understand and addres the challenge, support victims and theis families and communities, and search for treatments and a vaccine.

Companies around the word need to act promptly

This document is meant to help senior leaders understand the COVID 19 situacion and how it may unfold, and take steps to protect their employees, customer, supply chains, and financial results.


Briefing Note COVID 19 : McKensey & Company

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